R2-Self-evaluation Tool for Educational Organizations
23. februāris, 2024 pl. 15:06,
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Result 2 (R2) developed a Self-evaluation tool for VET schools and other educational organizations to assess themselves against the KNOWLO framework. This tool operates at both personal and organizational levels and is available in multiple languages. It integrates with Result 3 and is accessible on the project website. To date, a number of self-assessments have been initiated, with fully completed and partially or ongoing. The KNOWLO project introduces an innovative methodology, combining various project outcomes to guide organizations in transitioning to Learning Organizations. Result 2 serves as the initial step in this transformation process. The methodology involves: Self-evaluation at personal and organizational levels. Guidance on effective learning and knowledge sharing. Utilization of benchmarking and learning/sharing database. Development of action plans for organizational transformation. Continuous improvement through repeated cycles of activities.
Knowlo project No. 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 is supported by the Erasmus+ KA220-VET Program