C2, Learning Teaching Training Activity LTTA 1 in Slovakia
30. jūnijs, 2023 pl. 11:43,
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The C2 LTTA 1 for the KNOWLO Project No. 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 which is funded by Erasmus+ was successfully conducted in Ruzomberok (Slovakia) at the Catholic University of Ruzomberok Slovakia.
Facilitators: Adam Janiga & Markéta Rusnáková from Catholic University Ruzomberok And Jana Chynoradská from Harmony Academy (Slovakia)
This training session was a practical application of KNOWLO methodology and the KNOWLO framework developed under this Erasmus+ project. KNOWLO has been taking into account the needs of VET providers that have high management standards and call or would like to call their organization “Learning organizations”. The course is based on Excellence principles, EFQM Model, benchmarking principles (learning from each other), Learn & Lead and ULCA framework methodology. KNOWLO framework and its methodology is general enough to fit the needs of each educational organization and can be applicable everywhere in Europe or across the continents.
Knowlo Project # 2021-1-LV01-KA220-VET-000029991 KA220-VET- Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training is funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Union